Brand & Marketing for Health Experts | Modern Shift Studio

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Why Your Next Offer Should Ignore Most of Your Audience

Planning a new offer for your business? My inbox regularly floods with messages about the latest 'must-try' marketing tactics and program strategies. And while I absolutely live for the energy and excitement of planning new offers, let's sloowww down for a second and do this strategically!

Case in point: I sat down with one of my PT clients recently to talk about her new masterclass idea. She's crushing it with her signature program, but wanted something more accessible to welcome newer clients into her world.

Her first instinct? Cast a wide net with a masterclass for everyone. (Spoiler: this is almost never the answer).

It turns out, there's one specific segment of her audience that she not only LOVES working with, but who also makes up the majority of her client base. So, instead of trying to appeal to everyone (and resonating with no one), we narrowed down the masterclass topic to speak directly to this group.

The result? A laser-focused masterclass that shows off her methodology to the exact people who are already raising their hands for it.

Here's what makes this strategic approach to new offers so powerful:

Your Ideal Clients Feel Seen

Let's start with something that makes my marketing heart skip a beat: when you speak directly to a specific audience, they feel like you're reading their minds. No really - you’ll literally start getting DMs telling you, "It's like you're in my head!" Because instead of that vague "this can help anyone" messaging, you're addressing their specific challenges in a way that makes them think, "Finally, someone who gets it!"

Your Marketing Becomes Easier

When you know exactly who you're talking to, you know exactly what to say. Gone are the days of staring at a blank screen wondering what to post. Your social content, emails, and sales pages practically write themselves because you're not trying to speak to everyone and cram every possible feature and benefit into your descriptions. Instead, you're having a focused conversation with your ideal clients about the problems they're already thinking about.

Your Offer Creates a Clear Path Forward

Here's my personal favorite part (and where the magic really happens): your offer creates such a natural path to your signature programs that saying YES to working with you feels like the obvious next step for your ideal clients.

Think about it - when someone experiences a win with your strategically crafted entry offer, they're already bought into your approach. They trust your expertise because they've seen it in action. And let's be honest - this approach just makes your business life so much easier. No more trying to be everything to everyone (exhausting, right?).

Instead, you get to focus on serving the clients you love most, in the way you know works best. Your expertise shines through naturally, your value is crystal clear, and your offers actually make sense to the people you want to work with.

The best part? This creates a ripple effect through your whole business. You attract more of your ideal clients. They get better results because they're actually right for your programs. They tell their friends about you (and actually send you more of your perfect-fit clients). And your business grows in a way that feels natural and sustainable, not forced and frantic.

Getting Clear on Your Next Offer

Before you open up Canva and start designing that sales page (I see you!), let's pause for some strategic thinking. I know it's tempting to dive right into creation mode, but these questions will save you so much time and energy in the long run.

  • Which clients light you up when they book a call?

Think about your favorite clients. You know the ones - they make you excited to open Zoom for your sessions. The ones where you find yourself thinking "I wish all my clients were like this!" What makes them such a perfect fit? What are they struggling with when they first come to you?

  • What's the ONE problem you'd love to help them solve?

Now here's where it gets interesting: look for patterns in what these dream clients need help with. Not the surface-level stuff they mention in their first email, but the real problem underneath. What's that ONE thing you'd love to help them solve? The issue where you consistently think, "If they only knew what I know about this..."

  • How could this offer guide them toward working with you longer-term?

And here's something most people miss: how could this offer naturally guide them toward working with you long-term? Because let's be real - your signature program creates amazing results, but some people need a smaller step first. Think of this offer as rolling out the welcome mat for your ideal clients.

Here's the thing about having a solid brand strategy: it takes all the guesswork out of these questions. No more throwing random offers at the wall to see what sticks. No more following what everyone else in your industry is doing. Just clear, strategic decisions about serving your ideal clients in a way that feels natural for you and valuable for them.

Turn Your Expertise into Strategic Offers

Let's refine your brand strategy to connect with the right clients from day one.